Family Stories for Posterity

With the advent of self-publishing, you don't have to be a writer to get a shiny new volume of *your* writing and, perhaps, a few more for your descendants. People often come to me because of this dilemma: they have family stories and family folklore they absolutely want to pass on, but they are not writers, and the writing process is frustrating.

I will help by talking things through until we get to the bones of your piece, and by helping you take oral stories--the way that this family lore is often stored and told—and write them down. Some people are great storytellers but freeze up in front of the blank page or screen. I know lots of tricks to minimize the anxiety of the void and never wrestle with a blank screen.

I'm Not a Writer But...

Everyone tells you that you are hilarious, or a great talker, or the author of stellar emails and social media posts. It has you wondering if you should put some effort into writing for an audience larger than your text chain.

I often work with newbie writers. Generally, around half my clients are not writers and have had no formal training beyond a class or workshop. These people come to me with an important message to impart or story to tell. They need help shaping and presenting it, which is where I come in.

 I've worked with documentary filmmakers, visual artists, musicians, and with civilians on all sorts of projects. I can help you figure out the best medium for your work and options for publication.